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发布时间:2022-09-13 16:20:35  点击量:  来源:安徽自考网




I. Multiple choice: (1×15=15)

Directions: Beneath each of the following sentences, there are four choices marked A, B, C and D.Choose the one that best completes the sentence.

1.Business people see tourism as an opportunity to make ____ by supplying the goods and services.

A. a promise

B. an advance

C. a profit

D. a friend

2.Tourist expenditures have direct, indirect and induced effects on a/an ____ economy.

A. accommodation

B. destination

C. transportation

D. national

3.The WTO has suggested several ______ for domestic tourism definitions.

A. guidelines

B. principles

C. policies

D. facilities

4.One of the objectives of WTO is to raise standards of living in the less developed areas of the world by helping to provide _____ for foreign tourism.

A. education

B. policies

C. facilities

D. markets

5.The tour operator's brochure is a/an _____tool, being the main influence on the

customer's decision to buy.

A. informing

B. communicating

C. managing

D. marketing

6.The removal of coral, either for souvenirs collected by the public or for commercial sale by tourist enterprises, ______ some coastal regions of Australia and elsewhere.

A. develops

B. threatens

C. promotes

D. improves

7.Charter services do not operate according to _____.

A. middleman's orders

B. charted routes

C. agreed practices

D. published timetables

8.With the invention of _____ in 1853, hotels began to expand upward.

A. telephone

B. electricity

C. elevators

D. cars

9.As in any business, there must be one person responsible for the_____. That person is the general manager.

A. managing direction

B. overall operation

C. marketing operation

D. hotel direction

10. The resort or _____ chosen will depend on the form of relaxation required.

A. destination

B. scenic spot

C. hotel

D. transportation

11. The entire tourism industry rests on a base of_______.

A. national economy

B. natural resources

C. hotel and transportation

D. government policy

12. Tourism has the _____ to help bridge the psychological and cultural distances that separate people.

A. potential

B. profit


D. energy

13. Standardization and rigidity are very clear characteristics of ____ tours offered on al arge scale.

A. international

B. in-bound

C. package

D. business

14. The realization of one's desire to travel depends on many complex social and political factors, including the social _____ of the destination.

A. change

B. awareness

C. policy

D. stability

15. There is great potential in China for specialized tourism, focusing on ethnic roups and _______ adventure.

A. environmental

B. minority

C. mountain

D. rural

Ⅱ. Reading comprehension: (2×10=20)

Directions: Read the following passages and make your proper choices.


Some seven or eight hundred years ago, Hangzhou, known as Ling'an then, was the capital of the Southern Song Dynasty. At that time, watching the tidal bore was already a grand occasion in town when the whole population would turn out for the spectacle. The best time to do this was from the 15th to the 18th of the eighth month of each year. But beginning from about the tenth day of the month, that part of the river bank that offered the best vantage point for ride watching would already be a busy gathering place for little open-air booths and stalls where vendors piled

colourful wares on their carts or boxes. There would be all kinds of snacks and cooked meats in shining pots and pans. The taverns and restaurants would put up mulfi-coloured lanterns and flags or pennants, displaying meanwhile an attractive array of meat and vegetable dishes with a lot more exotic delicacies on the menu. In the tea-houses would be hung painting scrolls and calligraphy scrolls by famous artists while the antique vases would be filled with flesh flowers. In addition, there would be vendors displaying plasters and medicinal herbs for sale on the ground, roving artists with their monkeys for variety, shows or folk artists ready to entertain the crowds. Even before the days of the tidal bore, these people would be gathered on the river bank doing whatever they could to attract pleasure-seekers. Meanwhile, tens of thousands of people, visitors from other towns as well as local residents of Ling' an, would be hustling and bustling about, clogging up the way and making traffic impossible. In the large riverside mansions that lined the banks, there would be opulently dressed men and women, some leaning against the windows or the balconies looking into the distance and some looking down gazing fixedly at something going on down


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