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发布时间:2022-09-13 16:20:35  点击量:  来源:安徽自考网







1. The current investment _____ in our country are favorable, so a lot of foreign investors have come.

A. conditions

B. weather

C. situation

D. state

2. I _____ it for granted that we should have a pay raise.

A. take

B. think

C. make

D. ask

3. This house has _____hands three times this year.

A. shaken

B. changed

C. made

D. offered

4. He can not _____ to buy such an expensive car.

A. spend

B. waste

C. afford

D. acquire

5. By _____ of taxation, we pay for things that we need just as much as we need something to eat.

A. means

B. mean

C. ways

D. method

6. He told me that he had been offered a well瞤aid _____ abroad.

A. employment

B. work

C. service

D. job

7. We have to raise our prices because of the increase in the cost of _____ materials.

A. primitive

B. rough

C. original

D. raw

8. Violent programs on television may have a bad _____ on children.

A. affect

B. effort

C. effect

D. control

9. A _____ is the place where ships from other countries can unload goods for trade, storage, processing, or transfer to another ship.

A. building

B. port

C. warehouse

D. storage

10. A new system of quality control was _____ to improve the firm’s products.

A. invested

B. published

C. introduced

D. displayed

11. Our manager spends a large _____ of time each day on the telephone.

A. amount

B. moment

C. period

D. number

12. When the exporter arranges shipment through a forwarding agent, the agent _____ the whole transaction.

A. handles

B. does

C. manages

D. makes

13. Our income can only _____ our expenses, so we have no extra money to have a holiday.

A. afford

B. spend

C. support

D. cover

14. When making an investment, you have to take a lot of factors into _____.

A. considering

B. account

C. accountant

D. count

15. The development of science and technology _____ a change in our life.

A. brought about

B. brought up

C. brought forward

D. brought out



16. The city is _____ most densely populated in China.

A. sixth

B. six

C. the six

D. the sixth

17. It _____ that a businessman is only interested in making profits.

A. is generally supposed

B. generally supposes

C. generally is supposed

D. supposed generally

18. These stripes _____ by a computer.

A. can read

B. can be read

C. read

D. is read

19. He didn’t come back _____ it was dark.

A. until

B. that

C. as soon as

D. where

20. We all know automatic machines cannot do all _____ man does.

A. when

B. if

C. what

D. that

21. The house is very nice _____.

A. living

B. live

C. to live

D. to live in

22. What he lacks is courage, _____?

A. isn’t it

B. isn’t he

C. is it

D. is he

23. The dancer and teacher who _____ giving performance now _____ my sister.

A. is, are

B. is, is

C. are, are

D. are, is

24. I have never seen such a spelling, it _____ a mistake.

A. can be

B. will be

C. need be

D. must be

25. Not until the year of 1966 _____ made the capital of this province.

A. the city was

B. when the city was

C. was the city

D. when was the city

26. This computerized system will probably save _____ of the checkout clerk’s time.

A. as much as 45 percent

B. 45 percent as much as

C. as much 45 percent as

D. as many as 45 percent

27. As fuel price rose, bus companies raised their fares and _____.

A. so did the airlines

B. so the airlines did

C. nor did the airlines

D. nor the airlines did

28. Britain trades _____ many European countries.

A. in

B. with

C. at

D. on

29. By the end of this century, air pollution _____ a serious problem that endangers the health of the human race.

A. will have become

B. becomes

C. will become

D. has become

30. It is cheaper to throw the cars away than _____ them.

A. to repair

B. repair

C. repairing

D. repaired


31. When overall exports exceed imports, a country said to have a trade surplus.


32. Unemployment is expected to affect an estimating twenty thousand people this year,


equivalent to some three percent of the labor force.


33. The police claim that their relationship with the public are getting better, but it is not true.


34. All the people got o


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