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发布时间:2021-04-21 15:27:36  点击量:  来源:安徽自考网

1. My View On Literal Translation and Liberal Translation

2. On English Learning in China

3. On Teaching English as a Foreign Language

4. The Main Differences Between American English and British English

5. The Necessity and Possibility of Reconciling Communicative Method and Traditional Method in English Teaching

6. Cross-cultural Communication and Foreign Language Teaching

7. The Possibility of Combining Teaching of Writing with Teaching of Reading

8. The Comparative Study of Chinese Idioms and English Idioms

9. The differentiation and Unity of the four basic skills

10. How to Cultivate the students’ speaking skills Considering the differences between spoken English and Written English?

11. On Cultural Load and Translation

12. Intensive Reading the Problems that exist and recommendation for the future

13. The Necessity and Feasibility of reconciling Communicative with Traditional Approaches to English Teaching in China

14. Optional topics

15. On Listening and Speaking Classes in Middle Schools

16. Word Meaning and Semantic Features

17. On Changes in Word Meaning

18. On Meaning and Context

19. Spoken English and Written English

20. on the symbolism in The Scarlet Letter

21. Characterization in The Scarlet Letter

22. On the Theme of Escape of The Adventures of Huckleberry Firm

23. On the style of Mark Twain’s works

24. On A Farewell to Arms

25. On The old Man and the sea

26. On The Sun Also Rises

27. On For Whom The Bell Tolls

28. On the style of Ernest Herningway’s works

29. Development of Reading Ability in English

30. Development of Speaking Ability in English

31. Development of Listening Ability in English

32. Development of Writing Ability in English

33. On English Learning Methods

34. On English Teaching Methods

35. The Integrated English Teaching Methods

36. On the Barriars in the Process of Listening Comprehension

37. On Culture Teaching in English Language Teaching

38. My teaching practice based on a (some)linguistic theory(ies)

39. On American History and Culture

①On American Culture

②On Frontier Spirit in America

③On the American Values

④On Racial Prejudice and Discrimination in American

⑤On Immigrations into America

⑥On American Social Problems(the single parent-family,Divorce,crimes,and etc)

40. Literature Comments

①On Jane Eyre

-Formation of Jane Eyre’s personality

-On The Autobiographical Nature of Jane Eyre

②On Wuthering Heights

-on the Structural Features of Wuthering Heights

③On the American Dream of The Great Gatsby

④On the Symbolism Application in The Thom Birds

⑤On The Tragic Features of Tess of D’urbervilles

⑥On the Hamlet’s Humanism

41. On English Reading and Teaching

①On Techniques of English Reading

②On Developing the Reading Ability in English

③On Conducting English Fast Reading by using Reading Skills

④On Teaching of English Reading

⑤On the Comparison of Similarity and Dissimilarity between Traditional Teaching and Communicative Teaching

42. Optional topics

43. On Learning English as a Foreign Language

44. On Warning English speaking and listening in a communicative way

45. On learning English through reading original writings

46. Improving English listening skills

47. On the French Lieutenant’s Woman

48. On Wuthering Heights

49. On the Translation of Culture-tinged Words

50. On Jane Eyre

51. On Causes of Tess’ Tragedy

52. On Pride & Prejudice

53. On the Main Differences between BE & AE

54. On Changes in Word Meaning

55. On Improving Students’ Reading Ability

56. The Process of Cognition & Emotion in Reading Activity

57. On Symbolism in The Scarlet Letter

58. On the Theme of Love and Marriage in Pride and Prejudice

59. On the Irony in Pride and Prejudice

60. On Jane Eyre’s Rebellious Spirit

61. On the American Dream

62. On the Influence of Context on Translation

63. On the Comparison Between Traditional Approach and Communicative Approach in ELT

64. On Overloaded translation and Underloaded translation

65. On Teaching New Words in Listening Course

66. On Listening Teaching in Communicative Approach

67. On King Lear

68. On Othello

69. On The Joy Luck Club

70. On Pride and Prejudice

71. On Wuthering Heights

72. Jane Eyre

73. On Scarlet Letter

74. American English and British English

75. On Jane Eyre

76. On Special Features of Foreign Newspaper Reading

77. New Vocabularies in Newspaper Reading

78. On Techniques of Listening to Foreign Broadcasting

79. On the Comparison of Similarity and Dissimilarity of Traditional Grammar and Communicative Grammar

80. On Grammatical Function of Determiners

81. On the Transformation and Enlargement of English Basic patterns

82. Comments on Foreign Films

83. Comments on Literatures

84. On Jane Eyre

85. On Pride and Prejudice

86. On Communicative Teaching

87. On Literal Translation and Liberal Translation

88. On Features of English for Science and Technology in Vocabulary

89. On Features of English for Science and Technology in Grammar

90. On Features of Business English

91. Motivation of Trademark Creation

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